My voice, in its various forms, has been heard in wide range of applications for national and multi-national companies such as Aeroplan™ and Xerox™; in services, training videos and public service announcements for Canadian Federal Department and Agencies such as Canadian Heritage and Health Canada; in documentary video for the Canadian Museum of Nature; and as character voices in World's Funniest Videos™ (Worldwide TV distribution.) I work in English and French . . . and in over 15 different character voices, including space alien.
Check out the sampler clips below.
Check out the sampler clips below.
Voice Sample Clips - English
In each of these sample clips, you will hear a range of styles to meet client requirements.
Business |
Narration & Ads |
Échantillons d'Extraits Sonores - Français
Dans chacun de ces extraits sonores vous pourrez entendre une palette de styles différents qui répondent aux exigences du client.
Entreprise |
Narration |
Personnagessous entretien . . . |
Experienced in
IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
Select Applications History
Stream Energy
Blue Cross